The Horse-Chestnut

Aesculus hippocastanum l.

The tree originated in the Balkan Peninsula. It attains a height up to 25m. The tree habit is regular, the shape of a tree crown is cylindrical. The leaves are palm-shaped, comprising of 5 to 7 leaflets. The blooming starts in May. The flowers are melliferous, white in colour, with yellow and red spots, gathered in 30 – centimetre long inflorescence. The fruit, chestnuts are poisonous. They were used as a natural remedy to treat rheumatism. Chestnuts were believed to have their healing powers even when carried in a pocket. The bark was used for dyeing leather. The chestnut wood is hard, but quite resilient, therefore is a great material for manufacturing furniture and barrels. The horse chestnut is an ornamental plant. The trees used to be planted close to the manor houses and in the parks.