The Lily Of The Valley

Convallaria majalis L.

The plant forms vast colonies of rhizomes that widespread just below the surface of the ground. The flower stem shoots up from the rhizome and is embraced from its bottom by the elliptic leaves. It can reach a height of 20 – 25 cm. The blooming period is from May to June. The flowers are white in colour and bell-shaped. The fruit are the fed berries. Lily belongs to a family of toxic plants and  is protected. Herbal medicine made use of its dry florescence and green parts, which were used for  treating cardiovascular diseases. Girls used to rub juice form the root into their cheeks in order to make them blush and look more attractive. The lily of the valley symbolises purity, innocence, youth and girlish charm. It was considered as a flower that brings good luck. The lily spreads out quickly, forming fragrant carpets. It was one of the most popular flowers in home gardens.