They are long-lived trees, wide-stretching, with a thick trunk. The bark is dark grey. The single leaves are heart-shaped with corrugated margins. The melliferous flowers are white and yellow, gathered in clusters, having a rich, captivating and heavy scent. The wood is soft and easy to be processed, therefore is a valuable material for carpentry. It is highly treasured by sculptors and used for manufacturing musical instruments. Lime leaves, bark and flowers find their application in the area of natural medicine. Infusion from flowers have both a febrifugal and diaphoretic effect, hence were commonly used as a natural remedy for the flu. The tree is very noble and associated with femininity. Lime was considered holy and often worshipped in folk culture. It has been tightly connected with the cult of Saint Mary since the times of Christianity. The catholic and orthodox churches were surrounded by them. The roadside shrines depicting Saint Mary were hung on these trees. The manor houses used to have linden-paved lanes. Limes were planted by the occasion of an arrival of a new baby to a family, on a wedding day, or as a remembrance of a very important life event. They were also supposed to protect the farmhouses from a strike of the lighting.