The Walnut Tree

Juglans regia L.

It is a wide-stretching and long-lived tree that attains a height up to 35 m. The bark is grey, smooth, but in case of old trees, it is cracked with visible fissures. The leaves are pinnated, light green in colour, comprising of 5 – 11 oblong leaflets. The walnut tree starts blooming in May before coming to leaf. Male inflorescences are yellow while female are green. The fruit is a walnut, covered with green, fleshy involucres. The wood was used for manufacturing furniture, stairs and windows. The green nutshells were used as a brown dyeing agent both for clothes and furniture. Folk medicine made use of leaves, nuts, nutshells, and bark. The walnut’s anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal effects have been known for a very long time. Infusions were used externally for wound irrigation, and shortening the healing process. The liqueur was helpful with food poisoning and brought comfort in case of indigestion. The fruit are high in calories, rich in protein and vitamins from group B. The walnut tree has been planted in the vicinity of the houses for ages.