The Plum Tree

Prunus domestica L.

It is a very popular, not very tall fruit tree that cannot be found in its feral form. The tree attains a height from 5 up to 10 meters. It has a very widespread root system, which range is even three times wider than a crown perimeter. The leaves are round and elliptic. The tree blooms in April. The flowers are white, 5-petaled, with yellow stamens that grow out in pairs from a bud. The plum tree bears fruit from August till September. The fruit were either dried and consumed in such a form, or used for making preserves, compote, and producing liqueur, or plum vodka. In traditional medicine plum syrup was used as a natural and mild laxative. The wood was used for manufacturing furniture. It was an estimated turner material as well. The presence of a plum tree is a landmark  of nonexistent  villages, growing in orchards that have run wild. The single trees can also be encountered in the places of deserted farms.